Student Broad Left- Aims and Objectives

Student Broad Left

Student Broad Left is an alliance of students who believe that NUS needs a leadership which puts student's interests first irrespective of which party is in government. We link up with the left in the Labour movement, and are active against racism and work with black community organisations. We have played a key role in the defence of grants, against tuition fees and opposing the Teaching and Higher Education Act. Student Broad Left has played an important role in the NUS liberation campaigns, defending women's officer positions, supporting greater black student representation, have led activity in the LGB campaign and been active in many other issues including international solidairity, civil liberties and environmental campaigns.

The Student Broad Left organises around a set of broad aims and objectives outlined below

  • Defence of free, state funded further and higher education and adequate maintenance grants. Total opposition to the introduction of tuition fees and the creation of a two tier education system. For the maximum mobilisation of the student movement to oppose cuts, fees, abolition of grants, and other attacks on students. For the broadest unity including trade unions and the wider labour movement.
  • Defence of democracy in NUS. Opposition to any moves to undermine annual conference as the soveriegn decision making body. Defend autonomy of the liberation campaigns and for an increase in their resources.
  • For constitutional change to create full time NUS Black Students and LGB officer positions on the NUS executive, elected by their respective conferences. To extend the representation of women, black students and other oppressed groups at all levels of NUS.
  • Support for the self organisation and increased representation of oppressed groups in society.
  • For solidarity with the black communities in the fight against racism, and for anti-racism to be a central priority for NUS. Support for organisations such as the National Assembly Against Racism, Student Assembly Against Racism, the National Black Alliance and the National Black Students Alliance
  • Build links between the NUS and trade unions, the black communities, women's organisations, LGB campaigns and every other organisation fighting for social justice
  • An alternative economic policy to fund an expansion of education based upon reversing the transfer of wealth from the poorest to the richest sections of society since 1979; includuing a progressive taxation system; a reducation of dividend payments (money made through shares) and the reducation of military spending to the west European average
  • Solidarity with those fighting to defend the welfare state and access to education throughout Europe. Opposition to the attacks on the welfare state codified by the Maastrict Treaty and the moves towards EMU.
  • Oppose every manifestation of exploitation and oppression. Fight racism, sexism, homophobia and all forms of bigotry. For a women's right to choose.
  • International Solidarity: opposition to the IMF inspired free market policies which are devastating the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribbean, Russia and Eastern Europe. Support the anti-imperialist struggles and the right of countries to self determination. Oppose the US blockade of Cuba and the occupation of Western Sahara. For the cancellation of 'third world' debt. For the NUS to play an active role, linking up with anti-debt campaigns such as Jubilee 2000
  • Opposition to NATO's illegal bombing of Yugoslavia. Support for the Committee for Peace in the Balkans and their campaign to lift economic sanction on the whole of Yugoslavia
  • Defence of civil liberties thoughout society; opposition to the use of CS gas, the neck hold and the US style long batons; plastic bullets; justice for the victims of racist attacks and murders, police brutality and deaths in police custody. For the right to strike and protest.
  • Justice for Ireland; for equality, civil right and to a just peace. Support for Irish self-determination to bring Britain's role in that country to an end.

    If you agree with aims of the Student Broad Left would like to join, or want more information, please contact Sophie Bolt on 07930 235791

    Broad Left's NEC Report 30.6.2000      Education Funding      Fighting Racism

    Students and the Peace Movement      Students and the Peace Process in Ireland

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